Words Vs. Data

We are awash in numbers.  Data is everywhere.  Old-fashioned things like words are in retreat; numbers are on the rise.  Unquantifiable arenas like history, literature, religion and the arts are receding from public life, replaced by technology, statistics, science, and math.  Even the most elemental form of communication, the story, is being pushed aside the list.”Bruce Feiler, NY Times, 2014.

No doubt, data and automation are driving business, At what cost?

In advertising, data doesn’t grow your business.  Good stories grow businesses.  And good stories are shared by customers.

Be heard.  Tell your story. And deliver on your business promise..

Regardless of other options, “word-of-mouth” advertising is critical to business success, whether it communicated by a customer or conveyed affordably in sound- driven media.

New media allows businesses to pinpoint an exact target customer.  But is the required investment to reach that ideal person sustainable?  Maybe not.

Compare the cost-per-thousand of passive digital impressions to the cost of broadcasting a memorable audio message crafted to engage, inform or entertain.  Audio messages breakthrough. And, typically, the cost of broadcast advertising is more affordable.

As the media landscape continues to evolve, advertisers shouldn’t back away from traditional media like radio and TV.  With sound, businesses will reach their best targets along with thousands of unintended prospects.

By building familiarity with a larger audience, a message provides value for the future.

Consider the observation of noted futurist Gerd Leonhard:

“Trust isn’t digital, happiness isn’t a program and relationships aren’t code.” 

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